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Saturday, November 25, 2006


The Rake and the Spinster - A Working Title Continued :)

Attempting to avert him, Kathryn shimmied to the right. Ruthlessly he grabbed her arm, pulling her as she tried her escape. The sound of bone snapping and the sharp pain radiating through her arm caused her to cry out in agony. “Please,” she gasped out. “Please let me go. I’ll do anything, just let me go.”

The man shook his head. “There is only one thing you can do for me now, Kathryn.” At her blank stare, he laughed sinisterly. “And that is to die.”

He traced his finger along the golden glint of the necklace around her neck, caressing the large diamond pendant that rested upon her chest. “You won’t need this where you’re going.” Cruelly he ripped the expensive bauble off her neck, wrapping the chain around his hand.

“Bast…” Her words were cut off by his hands wrapped around her throat. Gasping for breath, she tried frantically to pull his fingers from her slender neck. She fought with all her might to pull him off of her, but the harder she fought the stronger he became.

“Don’t fight, Kat,” He breathed, sounding as if her suffering brought him pleasure. She felt herself becoming weaker and weaker as he continued to squeeze. Her head became a mass of fog and she felt her self drifting further into the darkness, until she felt no more.


He smiled sardonically as he let go of Kathryn’s lifeless body. Her mouth, even in death, had a deliciously full look. He bent down and gave those lips an eerily gentle kiss. “For old times sake,” he said aloud.

Looking down at his hand, he noticed the necklace he still held. His eyes lit up sinisterly, remembering a book he had read recently by one of his favorite authors. He took the pendant and chain and, without any remorse, shoved the expensive necklace deep down inside her mouth. The diamond pendant lay dangling from her lips. A fitting end to a greedy whore, he thought.

Ah, Dominic Wrothdale, he thought as he stepped from Kathryn’s townhouse. He would find another way to destroy Lord Wrothdale. And he had Kathryn Andrew’s cold lifeless body to thank for that.

Comments please??? The ending needs some work, so please let me know :-)

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